Audio Menu Cells

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The Audio menu cell is created when we add an audio track to the still menu. To do this, drag and drop audio file from Video & Audio assets or from Music Assets to the menu canvas or to this cell window under the cell region.

A basic Audio menu cell will look like this:



As with the still menu the red triangle handle reminds us that this is a "special" case. For the Audio menu it means the duration of the menu is the same as the duration of audio.

That is also indicated on the PBC tab:




As soon as we move the handle it will change to a white triangle.




To make it back the same length as audio you can press the Set to End of Audio button:




or write 0 in the PBC tab Duration.


When we add new cell an infinity still cell will be added:




The Infinity still cell does not play audio. This is indicated by the hatched audio area under the cell.


We can either add another audio to this new cell, by dragging the audio from Video & Audio assets or from Music Assets or we can in fact move the handles of the cells so the audio from first cell will continue in the next cell:




What this will do is to play the first cell for 30 seconds then seamlessly continue in the cell 2 without interrupting music.


We can combine this in different ways, for example first two cells will share the same audio, the next cell will have its own audio etc. Also the same VM commands apply  as described before in Still menu Cell.




Again as mentioned before to add audio for particular cell, drag and drop audio file from Video & Audio assets or from Music Assets to the Audio track under that cell.


We can also combine infinity still and normal audio cells, however the still cell will be always silent - indicated by the hatched pattern over the audio track area. It is not recommended to combine them.