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Hue, Saturation, Luma Equalizer

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These are Photo-Brush-only innovative tools for adjusting selective saturation or hue.

Saturation Equalizer

Graph represents the hue spectrum. Moving points on graph up will saturate the particular hue and moving it down will desaturate it.

With this tool you can selectively (de)saturate or adjust saturation of any color without affecting the others. You can use it for fine adjustment of image (for example saturate more red, without enhancing any other colors) or you can use it for artistic purpose (desaturate all and pick only few colors from hue spectrum for a special effect) - the case below:




Here is the original. It has all colors of spectrum.

All colors are moved down except reds and blues

This is the result image, all hue colors except reds and blues are desaturated (black & white)

There are much more way to use it for normal photography - for example you may little desaturate somebody's red face or enhance saturation of green.

Hue Equalizer

Similar in idea to the Saturation Equalizer. Moving graph up will shift the hue from its original value into new.

With this tool you can change color only of particular hue, yet the other colors will stay intact.




Here is the original. Note the cyan car - normally it is too close to blue, by using standard hue tools you would affect also the sky.

We moved colors around cyan towards pinks-violet.

The car changed into the violet-pink yet the sky remains unaffected.

Note: The first and last slider both represents the same hue (red) so they move in sync.

Many objects in real life often contains wide area of continual hue (the car on the original is not only cyan, but it has some parts going from green and blue). Sometimes you would need to adjust wider area of hues to change color of an object.

Shortest way rule

The hue is a cyclic parameter. That means you can get from violet to yellow through blue,cyan and green or you can go simply other direction through red. The Equalizer keeps the rule of shortest way. That means if you move slider 8 up to violet and slider 9 down to yellow the transition will go through red, because it is the shortest way.

Some more examples of using Hue and Color Equalizer:




Luma Equalizer

This graph determine how particular hues will be affected by Luma (lightness)