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MMB 4.8-4.9 release
Because of many changes in recent versions the full list of new features and fixes is in the History page .
MMB 4.7 -4.7b
  • Fixed redrawing out of screen in player
  • Fixed the problem with switching back to normal resolution (after RunMBD or Run another project)
  • Run script by keystroke - added support for international characters.
MMB 4.6
  • E-Card player now doesn't depend on any external dll. It has all the functionality of normal player (with script and transitions!), exept MP3 and mod, full screen background and few small things. The runtime size of the E-card is larger than before (350 kB). But it should work on any computer.
  • OBJECTX( Object label) and OBJECTY( Object label) functions added in the script.
    These functions return the current position (left, top corner) of the object specified by the label. Example x= OBJECTX(Text1)
  • ISVISIBLE( Object label) function was added
    This returns
    • -1 if object doesn't exist on the page,
    • 0 if object is hiden
    • 1 if object is visible
  • OpenFile$ variable was added. This variable will have the path after using OpenFile script command.
  • Updated Help
  • VolumeUp can now take a parameter - the volume from 0-100
    Example: VolumeUp("50") will set volume to half.
  • ReplaceImage can load BMP beside the JPG
  • MOUSEX() and MOUSEY() functions added in the script.
    These functions return the current position of mouse cursor.
  • Added Default cursor listbox into the Page Properties. The last item there is a dot cursor - great for touch screens.
  • Plug-In's loading code
    Plugin's are now loaded before the window and they don't require to be visible.
  • MoveObject("Object","x,y,w,h")
    Move (and/or resize) the object (or group) to the x,y position. The w and h parameters are not required and if they are defined the object is resized - However it wont resize any bitmap object or text - it resize only its active boundaries. But it works fine for rectangle, buttons, hotspots...etc..
    Yu can make a code:
    for i=0 to 100
    next i

    and it will move the object form left to right!
  • MoveTo("Object","x,y,steps,type")
    This simple command moves object (or group) from current position to the x,y using # of steps. The type can be EASYTO, EASYFROM or none to define the linearity in time. It basically does the same as code above, however you can specify slowing or accelerating with the TYPE.
  • Refresh() command
    This command will force to redraw the changes. It also works like a pump, if you use Refresh() in a loop the program reminds active and in fact you can still interact with the active objects (while the loop is continuing).
  • Pause("ms") command
    Pause command in the script, takes a number of ms to pause before continuing the script
  • CBK_Time and CBK_Total can be addressed as an integer variables
    Example: a=CBK_Total
    This always returns the number of seconds (equivalent to what would be displayed in these objects.
  • Ability to insert Contents Copyright into the project executable
    This allows you to insert your text in the Comments field of executable properties. For example you can put your copyright for the contents you created or comments about used materials. You can put up to 60 characters. That doesn't replace the other MMB player properties, but it resolves some legal issues if your custommer doesn't want to put your copyright on the project pages but you still want to have your copyright or name there. Many other authoring tools didn't allow you to do this. You can access this option in the Check & Distribute dialog box.
  • Dynamic Changes of Display Resolution
    You can tell the project before the start to change (or at least to try) the Display Resolution to one of few typical resolutions. You can set this option in the Project-General Settings. You can make a project which will play always on a full screen. Note: Some video cards (very old ones) don't allow to dynamically change the resolution so the project will continue in its standard size. The most common sizes are 640 x 480 and 800 x 600 and should work on most of the cards. The resolution will be returned to the original settings after you exit the project. Checking this option will uncheck "Standard Window" and "Movable" from the default values - because it makes little or no sense, however you can turn them back on if you making a "special" project.
  • Control over Process Priority
    This new version allows you to control the priority of the process. You can change the priority in the Project-General Settings. If you select High, the application you create will steal more CPU for itself from other windows application, making the transitions and FX running smoother. This is great for presentation type of applications where you don't expect user to be often switching between applications. The Normal settings is good for most of the application (it is the default setting) and the Low priority setting can be used for special (background) application which shouldn't use much CPU (launch bars etc..)
  • Masking Video
    In 4.6 you can use B/W mask for Video Masking. With the Mask, video doesn't have to play in rectangular square anymore and it can have any shape you want. You need to prepare an image mask with size of the video. The video will be played through this mask where the black pixels will be video and white transparent. The mask could have any shape or image (for example black text on white background). You can load the mask in the Video Properties. (Two buttons were added - Load and Clear Mask) You can create a very interesting effects because finally you don't have to be stuck with the boring rectangular video found in many authoring tools...
  • MCI object was added
    This makes easier to play video or audio using MCI without doing much scripting. Let's say you want to play ASF so instead of bunch of messy MCICommand script lines you simply draw a MCI object which could play your asf automatically on page start or you can control basic functions (play, stop, close) with new script command MCIObject.
  • 3 additional script timers were added
    TimerA, TimerB and TimerC were added to the ScriptTimer command, making that four timers for script. You can use ScriptTimer command as before - then it uses the standard timer or you can use syntax:
    (You can use TimerB and TimerC the same way) These are independent timers. The same rules apply for them like for the standard timer: After the script is executed the attached timer is killed as well as if you go to another page.
  • The Secure Layer
    In the Check and Distribute a Secure layer option was added. This will process the mbd data in such way that no Text or Script would be visible if you look at it in the Hex editor. Also the file can't be loaded back to the designer (no password will help!) so it can only be played. However, note that the loading of file with Secure layer would need more time and memory that without this layer so you should use it only on necessary files. The same option was added to Compress and Export to easy create mbd files which can't be viewed in Hex editors and loaded in designer.

Fixes in 4.6

  • Full screen background fixed. There was a small problem that you could actually put another window in between background and the mmb screen with Alt-TAB. Now the mmb window and background are glued.
  • Script from On Move cursor fixed
  • String arrays now works in designer and in the player the same way:
    string$ = toon$[1] + toon$[2]
  • You can add backslash at the end of a string by using \\
    path$ = 'c:\mydir\\'
    will be displayed as c:\mydir\
    There was a conflict because in 4.5 we used \' to enter ' into the string:
    string$ = 'That\'s great!'
    which will be displayed as That's great! and there was no way to add backslash at the end of the string then. Now you just use double backslash to ad a backslash at the end of a string. Complicated? Hope not that much!.
  • You can now exit from th For - Next loop by using Return() command


  • OctaMed support was removed (files *.med) since not many people were using it and there are almost no files and free editors for it. The standard MOD file is of course still there.
MMB 4.5
  • Active Objects can have Tool Tips. That is a text you can see on runtime when you move mouse over some object and wait. You can set the Tooltip simply by writing the text in the Tooltip entry of the object properties. Very easy way how to add professional touch to your application.
    The objects supporting the Tooltip are: Text Button, Bitmap Button, Text EditBox and Hot Spot
  • Enhanced Object list. It supports multiple selection. Whenever you select more objects on the workspace they will be highlighted in the Object list. In addition to this you can select multiple objects directly in the list by holding Shift and you can also unselect the object in the list or on the workspace the same way.
  • Snap to Grid was added. You can switch it on by clicking on the Snap To Grid button on the toolbar. The Grid settings are under menu Settings. You can change both X and Y grid. When the Snap to Grid is active the grid marks are visible and you can place the objects by mouse only on these marks. You can still use arrow keyboard keys to move the object by pixels..
  • Quick Object Roll-Up was added You can add a Bitmap, Paragraph Text, Bitmap button or MMB Object just by double-clicking on the file in the Quick Object file list.
    This is very useful if you have many graphic or text objects on the disk. The same way you can import all supported images, Bitmap buttons (BTW) or exported Objects (OBM).
    The Roll-Up window can be minimized and maximized by clicking on the white rectangle or double-clicking on the top handle.
  • Dimensions Roll-Up window was added You can change the position of objects by entering a number.

  • Pages in the project can be easy repositioned and copied with new Page Manager

  • Animated Gifs reviewed - better support for optimized animated gifs with disposal methods. Enhanced Animated Gif properties dialog box. Run Script after last frame added. Load New file button added.

  • In Paragraph text properties switching between enhanced and international editor added. Also a new button to load text from the file into the editor.

  • In the page actions Go To Page was added a list box for pages just to make it easier to use.

  • In Video Object added Run Script after video Stop/Finish
  • Added arrays to the string variables in the Script ( a$[1] = b$[a+1] )
  • The Text Buttons and Bitmap Buttons now change back to default image if you click on a button and drag cursor off the window before lifting it
  • Looping of MP3 Playlist. Whenever the last item of the playlist have instead of mp3 file word LOOP then the playlist will loop.
  • Fixed the Video & EditBox problem - after video stopped the edit boxes were no longer receiving input.
  • Video & the Go to Next Page on FW & BW problem fixed
  • Bonus: Color Tweak effects 30 new bitmap color, art and special effects.

MMB 4.4
  • Text Button can have customized font
  • Ability to change the default cursor on most active objects - ten predefined cursors
  • Full Script editor enhancements - color highlighting keywords, wizard, remembering the size and position
    New Script Editor
  • Paragraph text editor enhancements (Drag and drop text)
  • MP3 can be also a command line parameter in the player (So now you can associate your MMB mp3 player with mp3's)
  • Ability to Resize Page, Move Page, Stay On Top from the script
    (See Syscommand.mbd)
  • Ability to copy file and to create a full path directory.
    (See Syscommand.mbd)
  • Ability to Show or Hide Objects on any page from any page (Master pages included) from script (See updated Masrterpages.mbd)
  • Ability to run designer directly from CD without installing it on hard drive.
  • You can use ' in string: Don't panic you would write with backslash:
    a$ = 'Don\'t panic'
  • Smarter Copy-Paste Groups
  • Added <Windows> and <System> in the Script
  • Bonus Color Tweak Effects with 30 new color,art and special effects

MMB 4.3

  • CBT is here ! Full String support in script
  • Input Box Object
  • Change icon in the compiled application
  • Get info from MCICommand
  • Video Object enhancements - actions on Video finish

MMB 4.2

  • MP3 enhancements
  • ID3 Tags
  • MP3 List Enhancements
  • Replace Text, global function

MMB 4.1

  • MMB Plug-In support
  • Templates
  • Load text from external file

MMB 4.0

  • New Transitions, Page Curl, Fire
  • 14 cool new Bitmap Effects (menu Effects),Water, Impresionists, Warp, Bump....
  • Matrix Object
  • VR Panorama Object
  • Dynamic FX

MMB 3.3

  • Page Transitions
  • Embedded MIDI and MOD
  • Embedded external files

Animated Image
New object - animated image was added. It has its own properties which allows you to control the transparency, background color, speed, auto play, loop..
For sample see Ronnie's demo agif.mbd on the users gallery or the included simple animation.mbd.

Embedded Wave
Yes you can embedded wave into mbd file. Use it for small click sounds and you will be happy.

Script Object - Keyboard Shortcuts
New Object was added. This object can be used for your global functions or any functions. It has also feature to run that script if user press some keyboard shortcut. See example keys.mbd

Full Screen Background
This will cover all windows with solid fill, image, tiled image or stretched image.
Great for kiosks. See examples: kiosk.mbd and fullback.mbd

The script now has MidiPlay and MidiStop commands

If you compile the stand alone file you will see it is arround 300 kB smaller than in version 2.0. This allows you to put the file on the old floppy disk, so you can distribute your presentation on that medium.

For -next loop
Added to the script. The syntax is typical Basic syntax:

for a=1 to 5
next a

Now you can protect your mbd files from editing by putting password. Go to menu File- Compress & Export and there is a place to put the password. You cannot protect the files you are saving with Save or Save As commands, you can protect only files you are exporting.

Move 10 pixels
- If you use Keyboard Arrows, the object will move 1 pixel, but if you use CTRL+arrow the object will move 10 pixels.

Interaction with other objects - the "Moving Mouse over the object" has more actions in the combo-box: Show only, Hide only and Run script. The first is great if you want to show Animated gif if mouse is over some object - the animated gif can hide itself after last frame (See Animated Gif properties). With the other commands you can do some other magic on mouse move.

CBK_MP3EOF - The script object with this name will run when MP3 song reach its end... for more see sample mp3list.mbd in the package.


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